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Join us in seeking Jesus!



Welcome, and thank you for visiting the Republic church online. We hope that our website highlights our love for God and our thankfulness for His love for us. Please feel free to read more about our church on this site, or come in for a visit. We would love to greet you and share with you our love for Jesus Christ and for you, our neighbor.

Our Mission


The Republic Church of Christ is made up of people who are simply trying to be Christians. We believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God. We spend a large part of our time together considering the scriptures, in Bible classes for all ages, and in our worship services. Edification, or building each other up, is the goal of our assemblies. We invite you to join us in our endeavor to understand and apply God's word. 



Lord's Supper Service, 9:30 a.m.

Bible Classes, 10:45 a.m.


Bible Classes, 7 p.m.

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